I have created another nameplate and I think I like this one the most out of all the others I have made. It breaks conventions because of the fact that it uses more than one colour and the picture is in the background, this helps identify the audience.
The nameplates below are the same but I was unsure of which way looked better. So I wil be doing a mock up that includes both.
The new nameplate will challenge some conventions in the sense that the name plate is not made up of just one colour; it uses a gradient. This isn’t usually the case for newspapers. Local newspapers some times use a small logo, an example of this is the South London Press, and their nameplate is below:
Another way I have broken from typical conventions of the local newspaper is that I have used a different typeface. I used a font called ‘Britannic Bold’, where as other newspapers use fonts such as ‘Franklin Gothic’ and ‘Century Old Style’. The reason I decided that I want my newspaper to have a different typeface from all the others is that I think it will stand out more, look different and make the newspaper look more attractive that other newspapers.